Unit 1 Visiting Canada;Story time;A



I'll be home tomorrow.
I am going to eat some tasty children tonight.
Long ago,three children lived with their mother in a village.
Their names were Wenwen,Taotao,and Baobao.
One day,their mother went to visit their grandmother.
The three children stayed at home.
An old wolf saw all this.

Who is it?
It's your grandmother.
But our mother went to see you!
That's funny.I didn't meet her on my way.
That evening the wolf got dressed in a skirt,a sweater and a scarf.
He went to the children's house and knocked on the door.
The children were very surprised.

Why did you blow out the candle,Grandma?
I'm very tired,my dears.Let's go to bed.
Wenwen was the oldest.
She felt nervous,but Taotao and Baobao were excited and opened the door.
When the wolf came in,he quickly blew out the candle.
Grandma,there are nuts on the tall tree outside.
Would you like some?
Taotao,Baobao,get up!Let's get some nuts for grandma.
They got into bed together.
Wenwen touched her“grandmother's”leg.
It was furry.
She was very scared,but she was also smart and brave.
She jumped out of bed.

I can't climb the tree.
There is a basket and a rope beside the tree.
We can pull you up into the tree.

Quickly Wenwen,Taotao and Baobao climbed to the top of the tree.
The wolf came out of the house soon after.
Wenwen told the wolf that the best nuts were at the top of the tree,so he had better eat the nuts up in the tree.

The wolf got into the basket.
The children pulled and pulled.
When the wolf was high in the air,they let go of the rope.
The wolf fell to the ground.
He could not move.
Quickly the children climbed down from the tree.
They ran into the house and locked the door.
They were safe!



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